TT-AutomotiveDisplay™ Automotive Display Test Module

TT-AutomotiveDisplay Software
TT-AutomotiveDisplay Software

Application-specific software module with tests for evaluating the quality of displays integrated into vehicles. 

Automotive displays face particular demands for performance through variable lighting conditions, temperatures, vibrations, viewing angles, and other factors. Ensuring visual quality of displays of various shapes and sizes, with anti-glare or anti-reflective coatings, integrated into different fixtures and at fixed positions relative to passengers and drivers, is a key challenge for manufacturers in the increasingly display-focused automotive market.

Part of the Radiant Vision Systems TrueTest Software family, the TT-AutomotiveDisplay module provides all of the benefits of TrueTest Software to efficiently perform light, color, and mura measurements with specific tests to evaluate the quality of displays integrated within the vehicle. A comprehensive automotive display test solution from Radiant combines the TT-AutomotiveDisplay application-specific software module and a ProMetric® Imaging Colorimeter or Photometer to perform rapid, automated visual inspection of displays from consoles to panels to center stacks.

TT-AutomotiveDisplay relies on a ProMetric imager to test all display characteristics simultaneously, capturing and processing data much faster and more consistently than a human inspector or a spot measurement device.

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Validation Testing for In-Car Displays

in-vehicle center stack display

TT-AutomotiveDisplay provides a suite of common photometric software analyses used to evaluate automotive displays for visibility in all ambient lighting conditions (accurate luminance and contrast), seamless quality (uniformity and mura analysis), and absence of defects that may have resulted during assembly or integration stress (stuck on/off pixels, lines, embedded particles, and other anomalies). TT-AutomotiveDisplay tests can be used for specialized display validation needs:

  • Evaluate luminance (minimum and typical), straight-on or off-angle, in DAY or NIGHT mode
  • Document cold startups and contrast ratios (minimum and typical) over a wide FOV
  • Measure color coordinates and tolerances for White, Red, Green and Blue test inputs
  • Test for maximum allowable reflection

Test Library

TT-AutomotiveDisplay includes tests for display quality and defect detection, including:

  • ANSI Brightness
  • ANSI Color Uniformity
  • AutoPOI
  • Black Mura Defocus
  • Black Mura FreeForm
  • Black Mura Gradient
  • Black Mura Gradient PWM
  • Checkerboard Contrast
  • Color Edge Mura
  • Color Mura
  • Compare POI
  • DFF Image Sticking Analysis
  • Image Export
  • Line Defects
  • MTF Line Pair
  • Particle Defects
  • Particle Defects Cluster
  • Pixel Defects
  • Points of Interest
  • Sequential Contrast
  • Sparkle
  • Uniformity

Optional tests available with TrueMURA™ License Code:

  • Blob Analysis
  • Edge Mura
  • LED Mura

Black Mura

Developed by the “German Automotive Work Group Displays” standard body and published by the German Flat Panel Display Forum (DFF), the Black Mura Standard is a standard measurement method for evaluating uniformity in automotive displays. TT-AutomotiveDisplay provides tests for Black Mura Gradient analysis, with an API for synchronized control of display test images and automated test sequences for rapid visual testing. Radiant’s automotive solutions team provides guidance around standard methodology for display alignment and test setup to ensure compliance with Black Mura test procedures.

  • Black Mura Defocus: Remove anti-aliasing moiré effects from the display image
  • Black Mura PWM: Test pulse width modulation (variation in luminance between measurements at the center of the display)
  • Black Mura Gradient: Test maximum gradient relative to a white and black test pattern
TT-automotivedisplay black mura

TT-AutomotiveDisplay analyzes Black Mura, including gradients in the Y-direction (bottom left) and in the X-direction (bottom right).

Image Sticking

Continuous projection of digital images, like controls on a console or meters on a digital speedometer, can result in image burn-in on a digital display, leaving a residual shape of the original image even after the display image has been changed. TT-AutomotiveDisplay’s image sticking analysis functions evaluate the persistence of a residual image following a burn-in period.

TT-automotive display image sticking

DFF Image Sticking Analysis shown in TT-AutomotiveDisplay software. Image sticking is tested by displaying a Burn In pattern following the standard set by DFF for imaging sticking. The Burn In pattern is displayed for a defined duration, and then a gray pattern is displayed and measured several times to evaluate the amount of residual image from the Burn In pattern.

Rectangular and Freeform Displays

Free form display

TT-AutomotiveDisplay leverages algorithms to evaluate the luminance, color, uniformity, and other spatially-significant features of the display, even when display shapes are non-rectangular. Freeform displays that exhibit curves (such as stadium-shape displays) or uneven angles can be framed precisely by TT-AutomotiveDisplay software to ensure all active display area is measured. The software can also be set to ignore areas visible areas of a display outside of the active display area (for instance, display area that is visible beyond a custom bezel). Software functions RADA (Register Active Display Area) and RIDA (Register Inside Display Area) auto-rotate, find the edge, and crop the measurement region of an image exactly to the active area of rectangular or freeform displays (respectively), zeroing out the background.

free form display measurement


In rectangular displays, TrueTest Software applies RADA to locate the corners of the display (left) and crop to the active display area. In freeform displays, RIDA is used to find the would-be corners of a rectangular display area (right), and then zero-out the inactive area, taking only the active display area into account for measurement.

Quantifying Anti-Glare Sparkle

automotive display sparkle

TT-AutomotiveDisplay contains a Sparkle analysis that quantifies the observable luminance variation (a “sparkle” effect) caused by the microsurface structure of anti-glare layers when light is emitted through such layers on a display. The Sparkle test quantifies the impact of sparkle on the visual quality of the display, enabling qualification thresholds to be set to match human visual perception of quality. The higher the mean pixel-level luminance variation measured on the display (the quantified sparkle percentage), the more noticeable the sparkle effect will be in a display as perceived by the human eye.

sparkle measruement

TT-AutomotiveDisplay software outputs the visible effect of sparkle (pixel-level luminance variation) for each region of a display, then calculates an average across the display. This value can be passed or failed based on human visual perception of the display under observation.

Multiple System Configurations

TT-AutomotiveDisplay can be applied using a ProMetric Imaging Colorimeter or Photometer, providing multiple options to achieve the pixel resolution, dynamic range, and cost requirements for your application.

Supported by Radiant's global support staff and distributor network, TT-AutomotiveDisplay is field-proven and has been used to test thousands of displays for leading automotive brands worldwide.

TT-AutomotiveDisplay Module Key Features and Highlights:

  • Pre-defined tests for efficient automotive display measurement
  • Automatic identification of measurement areas for rectangular and freeform displays to evaluate any display shape or size
  • Built-in suite of analyses for testing to German Flat Panel Display Forum (DFF) standards for Black Mura Gradient; optional tests for additional mura analysis
  • Extensive moiré removal tools
  • Fully automated operation using software API to control test images on the display and synchronize camera and test sequence
  • User-controlled test sequences and pass/fail criteria

    Current Version:

    Ver. 1.8.631.17

    Supported Products:

    System Requirements:

    Typical Applications

    TT-AutomotiveDisplay enables quick and easy evaluation of automotive displays for a range of meaningful visual characteristics using a software test suite developed for common automotive display test applications.

    • Validate the optical and environmental performance of displays used in automotive integrations
    • Test touchscreens, center stack displays, instrument panel displays, navigational & infotainment displays, and more
    • Use with a Radiant ProMetric® Imaging Colorimeter or Photometer
    • Measure absolute luminance and chromaticity of displays
    • Analyze Black Mura Gradient and other mura types

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